
Archive for September 26th, 2009

It was close, but the bullpen blew it again!

It was close, but the bullpen blew it again!

That’s right baseball fans, the Washington Nationals have lost 100 games two years in a row. I had the privilage of  being there to see thanks to some free tickets courtesy of the American Red Cross. It was actually a very good, although ridiculously long, game, but in true Nats fashion the bullpen couldn’t do what they needed to do. Fortunately, going to a baseball game is much easier win or lose, when you live within walking distance, so whether or not they’re even competitive next year I’m sure I’ll see my share of games. Enjoy some pictures below of other things at the stadium besides the game (I’ll give you a hint: the theme is “things to distract you from the bad play”)

Cheerleaders! aka the Nat Pack

Cheerleaders! aka the Nat Pack

Beer!                                     and peanuts

Beer! and peanuts

Food! and Beer! (yes, there is a Five Guys in the stadium)

Food! and Beer! (yes, there is a Five Guys in the stadium)

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